FREE Healthcare Services (FindMe) enables patients to conveniently book an appointment with healthcare providers.
FREE Healthcare Services (FindMe) provides the following services:
1. TeleConsultation with doctors and their specialties.
2. Admission information on hospitals (including their classification), clinics and their services, treatment centers, and diagnostic centers.
For accessing FindMe, Patients can register using the TeleHealth Registration. Also, other services Registration connected to HealthKard can be used to access FindMe.
Services page will display after successful registration. It contains information to view email that contains the Username & Password & Activation Code to be used as login credentials.
It also displays the different Services we offer:
Patient will download the myHealthKard mobile app and Login Page allows users to access the TeleHealth using the Credentials sent to the email address after Registration.
It allows patients to Book Doctors Appointment, Give Consent to share Medical Encounters, and connects them with Consulting Physicians through Remote Consultation or Virtual Consultation using Google Duo during pandemic times or beyond.
Consultations can be paid through “KonekPAY” an online cashless payment.